====== Aktive SMD-komponenter ====== ===== Box 1 ===== HQR161 ^ Nr ^ Komponent ^ | 1 | LED 0603 hvid | | 2 | LED 0603 rød | | 3 | LED 0603 gul | | 4 | LED 0603 grøn | | 5 | LED 0603 blå | ^ Nr ^ Komponent ^ | 13 | Transistor [[https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/package-information/SOT23.pdf|SOT23]] [[https://www.diodes.com/assets/Datasheets/ds30036.pdf|MMBT3904]] (NPN 40V/200mA) | | 14 | Transistor SOT23 [[https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/MMBT3906.pdf|MMBT3906]] (PNP 40V/200mA) | | 15 | Transistor SOT23 [[https://www.infineon.com/dgdl/irlml2402.pdf?fileId=5546d462533600a401535664da7925f6|IRLML2402 ]] (Enhancement NMOS 20V/1.2A) | | 16 | Transistor SOT23 [[https://www.infineon.com/dgdl/Infineon-IRLML6344-DataSheet-v01_01-EN.pdf|IRLML6344]] (Enhancement NMOS 30V/5A) | | 17 | Transistor SOT23 [[https://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/BreakoutBoards/BSS138.pdf|BSS138]] (Enhancement NMOS 50V/0.22A) | ^ Nr ^ Komponent ^ | 25 | Transistor [[https://​www.nxp.com/​docs/​en/​package-information/​SOT223.pdf|SOT223 ]] [[https://www.diodes.com/assets/Datasheets/ZXMN4A06G.pdf|ZXMN4A06G]] (Enhancement NMOS 40V/7A) | | 26 | Transistor SOT23 [[https://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/BreakoutBoards/BSS138.pdf|BSS138]] Logic Level Enhancement NMOS 50V/0.2A | | 27 | Transistor SOT23 [[https://assets.nexperia.com/documents/data-sheet/BSS84.pdf|BSS84]] Logic Level Enhancement PMOS 50V/0.13A | | 28 | Transistor TO252 [[https://www.farnell.com/datasheets/695790.pdf|FDD8447L]] Logic Level Enhancement NMOS 40V/50A | | 29 | Transistor TO252 [[http://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/FQU12N20-D.pdf|FQD12N20]] Enhancement NMOS 200V/9A | | 30 | Transistor TSOP-6 [[https://www.infineon.com/dgdl/Infineon-BSL207SP-DS-v02_05-en.pdf?fileId=db3a304342c787030142d8004cc24f74|BSL207SP]] Enhancement PMOS 20V/6A | | 31 | Transistor TO252 IRFR5505 Enhancement P-MOS 55V/18A | | 32 | Transistor SOT223 BCP53 PNP 80V/1.5A | | 33 | Også BCP53 | ^ Nr ^ Komponent ^ | 37 | Diode [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DO-214|DO-214AC (SMA)]] [[https://www.vishay.com/docs/88751/ss32.pdf|SS34]] (Schottky 40V/3A) | | 38 | Diode [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DO-214|DO-214AC (SMA)]] [[https://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/MBRA210LT3-D.PDF|MBRA210LT3]] (Schottky 10V/2A) | | 39 | Diode DO-214AC 1N4007 (1000V/1A) | | 40 | Diode SOT-23 [[https://www.vishay.com/docs/86410/bat54_bat54a_bat54c_bat54s.pdf|BAT54A]] Schottky (30V/0.2A, fælles anode) | | 41 | Diode SOT-23 [[https://www.vishay.com/docs/86410/bat54_bat54a_bat54c_bat54s.pdf|BAT54C]] Schottky (30V/0.2A, fælles katode) | | 42 | Diode DO-214AB SS56 (Schottky 60V/5A) | | 43 | Diode [[https://datasheet.octopart.com/FDLL4148-Fairchild-datasheet-5392683.pdf|LL34 (Mini-MELF)]] 1N4148 | | 44 | Diode S100 (Schottky 100V/1A) | ^ Nr ^ Komponent ^ | 49 | Current sensor SOIC-8 (+-10A 290V) [[https://datasheet.octopart.com/ACS723LLCTR-10AB-T-Allegro-datasheet-27836557.pdf|ACS723]] | | 50 | RS-485/RS-422 transceiver MAX485 | | 51 | I2C LED Driver TSSOP-14 [[https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tca6507.pdf|TCA6507]] | ^ Nr ^ Komponent ^ | 61 | Voltage regulator [[https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/package-information/SOT223.pdf|SOT223]] [[http://www.advanced-monolithic.com/pdf/ds1117.pdf|AMS1117-3.3]] 3.3V/1A | | 62 | Quad op amp SOP-14 LM324 | | 63 | Quad op amp SOP-14 TL074 | | 64 | Dual op amp SOP-8 TL072 | | 65 | Voltage regulator DPAK-3 [[https://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/MC78M00-D.PDF|78M05]] 5V/0.5A | | 66 | Op amp [[https://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tlc271.pdf?ts=1711039003484|TLC271]] | | 67 | Op amp SOP-8 [[https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/aemDocuments/documents/MSLD/ProductDocuments/DataSheets/MCP6021-Data-Sheet-DS20001685.pdf|MCP6022]] | ^ Nr ^ Komponent ^ | 73 | Hex voltage-level shifter TSSOP-16 CD4504 | ^ Nr ^ Komponent ^ | 85 | Hex open-collector buffer SOIC-14 74LVC07 | | 86 | Quad 2-input AND gate SOIC-14 74HCT08 | | 87 | Triple 3-input NAND gate TSSOP-14 74LV10 | | 88 | Triple 3-input NAND gate SOIC-14 74LVC10 | | 89 | Triple 3-input AND gate SOIC-14 74LVC11 | | 90 | Hex inverter SOIC-14 74HCT04 | | 91 | Quad 2-input OR gate TSSOP-14 74LVC32 | | 92 | Octal buffer TSSOP-14 74HCT244 | | 93 | Quad 2-input AND gate TSSOP-14 74HCT08 | | 94 | Hex inverting Schmitt trigger TSSOP-14 74HCT14 | | 95 | 8-bit shift register TSSOP-14 74HC595 | | 96 | 8-bit parallel-load shift register SOIC-16 74HC165 | ^ Nr ^ Komponent ^ | 97 | Crystal 12.000 MHz 3.2*2.5 | | 98 | Octal bus transceiver 74ACT245 | | 99 | 7-ch darlington transistor array ULN2003A | | 100 | Triple 3-input AND gate TSSOP-14 74HC11 | | 101 | 74AC373 Octal Transparent Latches with 3-State Outputs | | 102 | SN74LVC2G14 2-ch, 1.65-V to 5.5-V inverters with Schmitt-Trigger inputs SOT-23 | ^ Nr ^ Komponent ^ | 109 | Quad 2-input NAND gate SOIC-14 4011B | ^ Nr ^ Komponent ^ | 121 | I2C buffer [[https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/PCA9515.pdf|PCA9515]] TSSOP-8 | | 122 | H-bridge [[http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/drv8835.pdf|DRV8835]] WSON12 | | 123 | Sensor [[https://www.st.com/resource/en/datasheet/lsm6dsl.pdf|LSM6DS3]] LGA-14 | | 124 | I2C IO expander [[https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/data-sheet/PCA9557.pdf|PCA9557]] TSSOP-16 | | 125 | 8-channel 12-bit ADC ADS7828 TSSOP-16 | | 126 | PIC16F1825 | | 127 | PESD5V0L4UG ESD protection device | | 128 | 24FC256 256K I2C CMOS Serial EEPROM | | 129 | PCF8574 Remote 8-Bit I/O Expander for I2C Bus | ^ Nr ^ Komponent ^ | 133 | SD-card socket | | 134 | Målepunkt | ===== Box 2 ===== HQR117 Zenerdioder LL34 (3V-24V) Zenerdioder SOT-23 (3V-33V) ===== Box 2 ===== HQR165 MAX3237 74AS1034A TPA6211A1 LVC652A octal transceiver PCF8574A 8-bit I2C I/O expander